
In June, 2012, ITDP, in collaboration with the Partnership for Sustainable Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT), joined thousands of world leaders from government, the private sector, NGOs and activist groups at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janerio, Brazil. The conference, commonly referred to as “Rio + 20”, marked the anniversary of the landmark 1992 Rio Earth Summit where over 100 leaders adopted Agenda 21, a blueprint to rethink economic growth, advance social equity, and ensure environmental protection.

Check out our Transport Matters blog for snapshots of ITDP’s activity at the Conference, including:


The 1992 Earth Summit, also known as the UN Conference on Environment and Development, put sustainable development on the agenda of the international community and established a set of principles to guide the future of international development policy. The 27 principles, known as the Rio Declaration, covered a wide range of topics from poverty reduction to the need for national environmental legislation.  Notably, transportation was not mentioned.

Rio +20 is an important global event that will set the sustainable development agenda for years to come. The growth in urbanization and economic development over the past 20 years has fueled the demand for transportation. Transportation currently causes 23% of energy-related CO2 emissions and is projected to grow 80% by 2050. This is the chance to put sustainable transport in the policy agenda.

ITDP, along with many other organizations, is pushing for the inclusion of transport specific language within the agreement to be negotiated in Rio, and is calling for the UN Commission in Sustainable Development  to include a sustainable transport goal. We are also working with multlateral development banks to secure a multibillion dollar funding commitment for sustainable transporation.


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