ITDP is a nonprofit organization headquartered in New York City with offices in Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, and the United States. ITDP’s programs focus on public transport, non-motorized transport, travel demand management, parking, transport policy, and urban development.

Eloy González

Coordinator of the Ideamos Program

Eloy is a Civil Engineer from Tecnológico de Monterrey and acquired a master’s degree in Sustainable Urbanism at University College London, where he completed a thesis focused on mobility governance. His greatest experience is in the management of sustainable mobility projects and the creation of public policy in synergy with the government, private sector, civil society and citizens. Through the Ideamos program, he has coordinated the implementation of more than 8 innovative pilots with Transport Network Companies (ERT), on topics such as digitization of concessioned transport, last-mile shipments, institutional mobility plans, micromobility and vanpooling, focused on the reduction of emissions and social inclusion.


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