ITDP is a nonprofit organization headquartered in New York City with offices in Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, and the United States. ITDP’s programs focus on public transport, non-motorized transport, travel demand management, parking, transport policy, and urban development.

Aangi Shah

Senior Associate - Healthy Streets and Compact Cities

Aangi wishes to see a world where cities prioritise people (not cars!) to make them feel safe and free to seek the smaller joys of life.

A trained architect with a little over 4 years of experience in urban development, she owes much of her on ground know-how to the initial and formative experience at HCP. Yet, she soon noticed that design is but one aspect in inclusive planning processes during her time at WRI, as she negotiated with the BMC on issues such as road safety and equal streets. Her most shaping experience has been the last year that she spent in Nairobi working on cities and climate change at UN Habitat – gaining an international perspective in a multi-cultural work environment with phenomenal leaders from various disciplines. As a Research Associate at ITDP, she is actively involved in the technical pieces and coordination for the two national level challenges, India Cycles4Change Challenge and Streets for People Challenge.

She is a dog lover and a dot connector: self-reflection and meditation are key to her lifestyle. She dives where she can find Nemo, teaches karate to kids and often writes haiku poetry on city life.


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