Women use public transport at a greater rate than men, yet they face many barriers that limit their ability to travel.

Mobility is not gender neutral; women and men have different transport needs and patterns, yet policies for most countries remain unrelentingly gender-neutral. As a result, women have inferior access to public modes like buses, trains, informal transit options, while assuming a higher share of the household’s travel burden and caretaking responsibilities. Around the world, women’s daily lives are marked by fear of urban violence and, mainly, gender violence. Harassment and sexual violence deter women from having full access to work opportunities, leisure, culture, and services available in the city.

Much research has focused on safety and addressing sexual harassment and violence in the street and on public transport. Understanding how women and other vulnerable groups use transportation systems is important in designing them equitably. ITDP is active in promoting the voices and needs of women in transportation design. From integrating gender related data into service planning to help cities accommodate more diverse transport needs to working with multilateral organizations and foundations in advocating for women’s needs in transport, ITDP makes sure to keep gender equity at the fore of its work.


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