Location: Sao Paulo

About Parking reform is gaining momentum around the world as a key lever to reallocate valuable city space, reduce demand for driving, reduce transport-related emissions, and improve livability.  Bringing the supply of parking, especially off-street parking, closer to actual demand is crucial to creating more compact cities that are needed to limit global warming. The…

The Sustainable Transport Award Committee gave its tenth annual award to Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo, the first ever award to result in a three-way tie, giving credit to the scale and substance of Brazil’s achievements in increasing mobility and enhancing quality of life in its major cities. In 2014, Belo Horizonte…

Bicycle Parking Facility Manual – ASCOBIKE Mauá Model A guide to the creation of urban bicycle parking garages in the model of the bicycle parking facility created and administered by ASCOBIKE — Association of Bicycle Users of Mauá, in Mauá, Brazil, in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, the largest city in South America. Manual de…

Como parte do apoio do Instituto de Política de Desenvolvimento e Transportes (ITDP) à Prefeitura de São Paulo, e junto aos esforços da Hewlett Foundation e a Clinton Climate Initiative, o ITDP foi incentivado por autoridades municipais a analisar o sistema de trólebus existente na cidade. Este estudo tem como objetivo propor recomendações em relação à modernização, readequação ou…

An analysis of Sao Paulo’s city center and their recommendations for revitalizing it, with a foreward and afterword by Luc Nadal, ITDP Technical Director for Urban Development.  It is in both Portuguese and English.  Eminently walkable, cyclable, transit-proximate and overall space and resource-efficient, the historic center of Sao Paulo has great potential as a sustainable…


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